sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Global growth: Recessions for whom?

Credit Suisse Positive On U.S. Equities Longer Term But Negative Over Next Few Months

Bank Of America More Undervalued Than Wells Fargo

Market Wrap: Market Continues Higher, But Are We Setting Up For Failure?

Financial red alert: Europe stands on verge of ‘apocalyptic’ debt crisis with only days remaining

Playing Financials For Another 'Lehman Moment'

U.S. Home Prices Drop 3.6% In September

A Hidden America: Living in Cars, Tents and Cheap Motels

Preparing for the end of the Euro

Justiça mantém cobrança de tributos e Vale poderá pagar R$ 25 bi à União

Goldman raises money to invest in start-up hedge funds: report

Analysis: AMR bankruptcy clouds Boeing jet order

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

'Supercomitê' dos EUA mostra pessimismo sobre acordo

Ben Davies – We are Seeing 2008 Style Crash Signals

Co-chairs of US super-committee to issue statement declaring failure to reach deficit deal, sources tell Reuters

The euro zone crisis: The pain in Spain

VIDEO: Major Financial Institutions Are In BIG Trouble!!! Alex Takes Calls on The Zombie Banksters Looting America

The next financial crisis will be hellish, and it’s on its way

How Bad Is Wall Street's Italian Debt Exposure?

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

VIX Perdendo Linha de Pescoço do OCO Invertido

Vejam forte sinal de que possamos estar entrando numa fase Bull do mercado uma vez que o VIX, gráfico que indica a volatilidade do S&P500, está perdendo a linha de pescoço do OCO invertido.

segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

Recapitalização dos bancos trará mais dores de cabeça à Zona do Euro

Recapitalização dos bancos trará mais dores de cabeça à Zona do Euro, diz banco...

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Ameaça de colapso no Sistema Financeiro dos E.U.A e UE.

Top 3 Investments To Survive The Upcoming Financial Storm: Cash, Gold And Utilities

Greece Is Defaulting; Recession Is Imminent. Play Defense

Greece Is Defaulting; Recession Is Imminent. Play Defense

By Penguin Capital Markets:

While many of us have been waiting for ages for Greece to default on its insurmountable debt, it looks like the wait might be over. It's now been realized that Greece isn't going to make its deficit targets that were agreed upon when the country took its loans from the IMF and European Central Bank. While the deficit was originally supposed to be only 7.8% of the nation's GDP, due to slowdowns and poor forecasts, the deficits will now be a whopping 8.5% of GDP. This is putting even more pressure on the already fragile nation, which is even closer to a default as the deficits continue to eat away at the nation's economy.

Greece has been living luxuriously for a long time, to say the least. I read an interesting article that provides some details as to just how unsustainable Greece has become. It includes a description of an

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sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Recessão externa preocupa e início da semana define trajetória do Ibovespa

FDIC informa a quebra de mais dois bancos nos EUA, somando 67 baixas em 2011

Fundos de ações continuaram retirada de capital do Brasil na semana, diz EPFR

Fundos dos EUA têm maior sequência de fuga de capital desde 2010, mostra EPFR

Descubra quando não diversificar os investimentos pode ser uma boa opção

terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

Apesar das críticas, China está amarrada ao mercado de Treasuries

Apesar das críticas, China está amarrada ao mercado de Treasuries

NOVA YORK – Apesar das críticas com relação ao gerenciamento da dívida, a China, maior credora estrangeira dos EUA, deverá continuar a comprar os Treasuries, principalmente porque as alternativas para investir suas imensas reservas internacionais são limitadas. No entanto, a furiosa resposta de Pequim às notícias de que a Standard & Poor's havia rebaixado o rating de crédito dos EUA de AAA para AA+ está sendo vista como um poderoso sinal de alerta pelos políticos ame...

Min Zeng

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Bloomberg: Global Recession?!?

No Bailouts Coming: U.S. Needs to ‘Take Our Medicine,’ Says Harrison

No Bailouts Coming: U.S. Needs to 'Take Our Medicine,' Says Harrison

During the 2008-09 financial crisis, central banks and sovereign nations came together to bail out the private sector and restore confidence to the markets. While that did little for Main Street, the moves did save the global banking and financial system … for a time.

Now that the sovereign debt crisis is accelerating and countries like [...]

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As Asia Tumbles Again, Experts Warn of More Pain

As Asia Tumbles Again, Experts Warn of More Pain

Asian stocks dropped on Tuesday, with the Kospi amongst the worst performers, down 9 percent at one point in the mid-morning session. A number of experts told CNBC the selling was likely to continue even as some pointed to the first silver linings.

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The steep drops in Asia, followed Monday's U.S. [...]

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Why This Crisis Differs From the 2008 Version [It's Not Liquidity But Growth]

Why This Crisis Differs From the 2008 Version [It's Not Liquidity But Growth]

AUGUST 9, 2011 Why This Crisis Differs From the 2008 Version


It is a parallel that is seducing Wall Street bankers and investors: 2011 as a repeat of 2008, the history of financial turmoil playing in one endless loop.

As a big fund manager muttered darkly this past weekend while heading into [...]

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Stock index futures signal rebound

Stock index futures signal rebound

PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. stock index futures pointed to a rebound on Tuesday following the previous session's plunge, mirroring a tentative rally in Europe where investors started to pick up recently-hammered shares.

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Armínio Fraga e a Bolsa

Armínio Fraga e a Bolsa

A Bovespa sangra faz tempo. Desde o último pico, em novembro, o Ibovespa caiu cerca de 33%. Das Bolsas de ações mais importantes do mundo, é a campeã do tombo. Assinantes da Folha e do UOL podem acessar a íntegra da coluna aqui Leia mais (09/08/2011 - 03h30)

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IBOV - Ir as compras

IBOV - Ir as compras

Bom dia pessoal,

Não esperava que chegasse tão rápido aos 48K, mas queda é assim mesmo, rápida e violenta.

Acredito que seja baixa a possibilidade de fazer um fundo duplo, então decidi iniciar compras paulatinas a partir do patamar atual.

A idéia é iniciar pequeno, para "tatear" o mercado, aumentando as posições conforme a reversão vá se confirmando.

De cara, dois ativos chamam minha atenção pela violência de suas quedas, Petro e Vale, mas não exclusivamente.



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segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

Zecco Launches App To Let You Trade Stocks, View Realtime Stock Market Data On Facebook

Zecco Launches App To Let You Trade Stocks, View Realtime Stock Market Data On Facebook

When it comes to public interaction with the stock market, the ability to trade stocks online has completely changed the game. With abundant financial information on the Web, through a little research, more people than ever before have joined in on an activity once reserved for a relationship between the broker and a trader. If you trade online, you may have used ETRADE or TD Ameritrade, or a host of other sites, or you may use Google Finance or Yahoo Finance to do your research. But, of late, we've seen the social trend hitting online trading, as it has for so many other spaces — for better or for worse.

Last year, rapidly-growing online brokerage company, Zecco, launched the first part in an effort to crank online trading into the next gear: Allowing online stock traders to trade anywhere on the Web, whenever they feel so inspired. This took the form of Zap Trade, which was released in conjunction with StockTwits, the growing social micro-blogging and trading service, as a widget on the StockTwits site and as a Firefox add-on. The Zap Trade widget allows users to place trades from StockTwits or directly from the browser.

Today, live from TechCrunch Disrupt in New York, the trade-where-you-want-when-you-want parade continues, as Zecco launches the appropriately named "Wall Street", which the company says is the "first and only" Facebook app to offer realtime stock quotes, charts, and community discussions on Facebook. And, my friends, not only that, but the Facebook app allows you to make stock trades directly from Facebook, using a compact trade ticket, without ever having to leave the friendly confines of Facebook.

Besides allowing the access to realtime stock data and to make trades within the app, the Facebook integration gives both amateur and expert traders alike the ability to "Like" a stock and to thereby stay tuned on the stock's latest developments, as well as to see which stocks your friends "Like". So that you can then publicly ridicule them on their Facebook page, or covertly buy that stock as well. What's more, the app allows you to comment on a stock, participate in discussions, and share investment ideas with specific Facebook friends.

On stage today at Disrupt, Zecco CEO Michael Raneri allowed Erick Schonfeld to make what he says is the first-ever online stock trade on Facebook. ZOMG! The CEO showed off the Facebook app's realtime quotes and charts, which you can see in the image to the left.

Beyond trading specific stocks, say that you want to search for wider market trends, Zecco's app allows you to not only get free quotes and charts on any number of stocks or ETFs, but also lists of the previous day's most actively and widely-held stocks, so that you can see how risky or safe a stock is compared to others in the market. The app looks great and seems very easy to use. It may take some time for people to get used to the idea of making stock trades on Facebook, considering many people tend not to use the social networking site for financial services, but I think it's pretty neat that stock trading and free market data has finally come to Facebook — now I can stalk ex-girlfriends and trade my ETFs in one fell swoop. Now, that is something worth writing home about.

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Is Now the Time to Buy?

Is Now the Time to Buy?

So you're considering buying a business. But is it really the right move?

Many experts are predicting that a huge wave of businesses will become available over the next decade or so as baby boomers look to sell. As the economy continues its climb into a full-blown recovery (we hope), it just might be the perfect time for you to fulfill that lifelong dream of buying a business. Before you take the plunge, however, you should take the time to ask yourself a series of questions that will help make sure you're prepared for the rigors of business ownership. Certainly the team of advisers you assemble to make such a deal—such as business brokers, attorneys, and accountants—can help you in determining the value of a business and what you should pay for it. But there are additional questions you need to ask yourself, and the seller, to find out if the business you've targeted is everything it's cracked up to be. With that, here is a list of 10 questions (in no particular order) that you should get answers to before buying the business of your dreams.

1. Is buying a business the best decision for you right now?
Perhaps the most important questions to start asking involve whether buying a business is a good fit for you, says Keith Emmer, principal at Strategix in New York City. "If you're just bored or looking to try something, what happens when you have to do the tedious tasks that every entrepreneur must do?" asks Emmer. If that's the case, you might want to consider a hobby instead.

If, on the other hand, you see real opportunity and have always tended to see the world a little differently than others in your corporate job, owning a business may be right for you. "At the same, you should ask yourself if right now is the best time to make the commitment to buy if say, you're almost vested in your retirement plan," says George Krueger, president of Bigg Success, a business education and consulting firm in Champaign, Illinois. "It's probably a small sacrifice to get the full benefit of your employer's contributions," he says. "You can use the time to get prepared to buy a business."

Dig Deeper: How to Negotiate When Buying a Business

2. Will your spouse support you?
Owning a business will affect your relationship with your spouse, in one way or another, says Krueger, since both of you will need to make the emotional and time investments that come from riding the entrepreneurial roller coaster. "So your spouse has to be prepared mentally and emotionally as well," he says. "If not, you may find that your biggest challenge comes from home rather than your business." You need the physical capacity to work long days, especially in the early days.

Dig Deeper: 10 Tips for a Happy Marriage

3. Who runs the business when the owners go on vacation?
One interesting question to get an answer to involves asking when was the last time the sellers went on vacation, how long were they gone, and what kinds of problems happened when they were away, says Kent Boehm, a business coach in Alberta, Canada. That helps determine how tied the business owner is to the day-to-day operation of the business. "The more often the owner goes on vacation the better quality of life they have," says Boehm. "The problems that occur while on vacation are sometimes an indicator of how much babysitting the owner has to do."

4. Do the numbers add up?
This one seems obvious, but a lot of new entrepreneurs don't really think about what exactly their return should be, says Krueger. "If you plan to be an absentee-owner, will the business provide a reasonable return on your investment, given the risk?" he says. "On the other hand, if you will be an active owner, will it provide the return on your investment and compensate you adequately for the time you're investing?" Kruger also suggests subjecting the projections you're using to what he calls "stress testing," such as finding out what might happen to cash flow if sales are below your expectations or costs run above your projections? "Bankers often see if you'll be able to pay them back if profits are off by 25 percent," he says. "You should run similar scenarios."

Dig Deeper: How to Track Your Company's Critical Numbers

5. Are there any other skeletons to worry about?
You'll also need to do your homework when it comes to finding out everything beyond the numbers that might affect your new business, says Chantay Bridges, a senior real estate specialist with Clear Choice Realty & Associates in Los Angeles. He suggests finding out answers to the following questions.

Are there any easements, exclusive rights, or right of ways that impact the business?Has the business ever been a crime scene or has it been vandalized?Has the seller run into any trouble with the state, government, or IRS?What is the business zoned for? Is the area hazardous?

6. What do the customers have to say?
A step that many business buyers fail to take is talking to current customers in the business, and not necessarily the ones that the seller handpicks for you. "Unless you know who buys from you and why they buy from you, you will be flying blind," says John Torrens, a veteran entrepreneur who also teaches entrepreneurship at Syracuse University. "This is good to know before you engage in a letter of intent and is especially important during due diligence. What you find out can help you if you take over the controls."

Dig Deeper: How to Better Understand Your Customers

7. How does the business make its phone ring?
Obviously, any business needs to have a growing customer base to be successful. So it might be worth asking the seller about what kinds of things they have done to market their business and to generate inquires from new prospects, says Boehm, at least so that you know what you might need to do more of once you take over. "Ask them if they know which marketing efforts create the most leads," he says. "What you want to try and find out is what marketing they are doing, if any, and how effective it is."

8. Why is the seller really getting out?
The seller knows his or her business better than you do, says Krueger. That's why you should make the time to ask him or her about why they are selling. The rub, however, is that you'll usually hear reasons like "retirement," "health reasons," or "other opportunities." Your challenge, Krueger says, is to find the real reason. "You may never find out, but you should certainly try," he says. "Build a relationship with the seller and be thorough in your due diligence."

9. Will the seller keep some skin in the game?
Working with a bank or lender is an important step in buying your new business. But, with credit tight these days, it's not uncommon for sellers to step up and finance at least part of the sale, even though they would all prefer an all-cash deal. If you can get your seller to put their money on the line, it may serve as a signal of the seller's confidence in the future of the business, says Krueger. "Remember that they know more about their business than you do," he says. "If they're not willing to let any money ride on the business, should you?"

Dig Deeper: How to Finance an Acquisition

10. What is your exit strategy?
This is an important question to ask even as you make the decision about whether to buy a business or not, says Alex Corrigan, who heads up the M&A practice at Delap, a 78-year-old accounting firm in Portland, Oregon. "This should be considered right from the start because," Corrigan asks, "what if you have to sell the business or get out sooner than you thought?" Along the same lines, he suggests that you should also have a buy-sell agreement in place if you happen to have any partners involved in the business.

Dig Deeper: How to Choose an Exit Strategy

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quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

Marketing: Com medo do futuro, consumidor deixa de comprar por impulso

Marketing: Com medo do futuro, consumidor deixa de comprar por impulso

Com a inflação em alta e o medo do desemprego, os vendedores já não estão conseguindo convencer os consumidores a comprar produtos por impulso, como faziam até o fim do ano passado. Antes, o cliente que entrava na loja para comprar uma TV de LCD acaba levando o home theater, o móvel e, de quebra, [...]

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domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

America Appears To Be Sleepwalking Towards Disaster – Does No One Care?

America Appears To Be Sleepwalking Towards Disaster – Does No One Care?

So let me get this straight. The Standard and Poor's rating agency last week took the historic step of putting the US government's AAA credit rating on "negative watch".

There is now, according to S&P, "at least a one in three chance" that American debt will be [...]

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quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011

5 Lições da crise financeira mundial

5 Lições da crise financeira mundial

Para que a História não se repita, aqui ficam cinco lições da última crise para que nunca sejam esquecidas a bem da economia e da sua carteira.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Wall Street gains on job growth; earnings next hurdle

Wall Street gains on job growth; earnings next hurdle

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks started a traditionally healthy month on strong footing on Friday after solid jobs figures, but the S&P 500 may need help to break to new multi-year highs.

Unofficial Problem Bank List at 985 Institutions, Correction for Capitol Bancorp

How to Learn Trading in the Stock Markets Over the Internet (ezinearticles)

How to Learn Trading in the Stock Markets Over the Internet (ezinearticles)

Learn trading first before you start selling or buying stocks because the undertaking can make you lose or make money depending on how you do it. In the normal state of affairs the key thing is...

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011

Países que eram emergentes já emergiram, diz economista

Países que eram emergentes já emergiram, diz economista

Criador do termo "países emergentes" diz que não faz mais sentido usar o conceito para se referir a Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China.

quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Smallest of Businesses Still Struggle

Smallest of Businesses Still Struggle

The last couple days have brought numerous positive reports about the economy. Most show jobs climbing, others show decreased layoffs and still others indicate increased capital investment.

But what isn't being talked about is what's going on with the country's smallest businesses.

Here at SurePayroll, the majority of our small business customers have 7 or fewer employees. And while I'm happy to hear things are looking up in the job market for many segments, the SurePayroll Small Business Scorecard shows this sector is struggling. Using a 12-month trailing average to analyze the data, both hiring and wages decreased in March from the previous month. This is the fifth month in a row hiring decreased and the second month paychecks decreased. Year-to-date hiring is down 2.2% and paychecks are flat.

With all of the other good news out there I was hopeful. I wanted to see data revealing small businesses were hiring and their employees were seeing larger paychecks that would offset the rising energy prices and a still-slumping housing market. I wish I could say that the Small Business Scorecard shows lagging action—that reality will soon be better when small businesses catch up to their workload. But the truth is, small businesses are nimble and act swiftly on their current needs, not the economists' or the media's predictions about their workload. So, when the numbers show they're not hiring, in reality they don't have enough of a workload to hire more full-time employees right now.

The good news is that with other positive indicators, things will most likely look up soon for small business employers. As large companies invest and increase spending, small businesses will see a sort of trickle-down effect. Additionally, while most aren't hiring now, they are using independent contractors – 1.5% more than last month – which tells us they have business activity, just not enough confidence or bookings to hire. But we may see that change soon too. For the second month in a row, we had a higher than average number of small business owners saying they feel good about the economy in March – 69%. That's a 17% increase in optimism since December.

As we continue to monitor this recovery, I will be watching for signs from our smallest business owners. If we see hiring improvement over the next few months, we'll know the increased hiring and investment from big business was real – that the economy is getting its footing. If we don't, we may realize that the positive news of the day was just a blip on the economic recovery radar.

More things to worry about: 7 Problems That Could Derail The Global Recovery

More things to worry about: 7 Problems That Could Derail The Global Recovery

U.S. News & World Report

At the beginning of the year, expectations for higher global growth in 2011 were high.

Now, a string of unexpected events, like unrest in the Middle East and a devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, has cast a shadow over some of that optimism.

In the United States, [...]

domingo, 27 de março de 2011

Inovação: Robôs invadem a Bovespa

Inovação: Robôs invadem a Bovespa

O diretor de operações da BM&FBovespa, André Demarco, conta como algoritmos computacionais avançados facilitam a vida do investidor. Os robôs já são uma presença cotidiana na BM&FBovespa. Não se trata de humanoides de lata, é claro, mas de algoritmos invisíveis, preparados para diversas funções, como acompanhar a oscilação de preços e analisar variáveis que envolvem [...]

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Day Trading - Pros and Cons (ezinearticles)

Day Trading - Pros and Cons (ezinearticles)

How do the advantages of day trading stack up against the very real disadvantages? An experienced trader gives his take on the pros and cons...
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