terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013

European carmakers see long road to recovery

European carmakers see long road to recovery

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Europe's car market is bottoming out after five years of falling demand, but high unemployment and weak bank lending suggest its recovery will be long and slow, executives at the Frankfurt car show said.

Página Original: http://reuters.us.feedsportal.com/c/35217/f/654199/s/3107e9a0/sc/2/l/0L0Sreuters0N0Carticle0C20A130C0A90C10A0Cus0Eautoshow0Efrankfurt0EidUSBRE9890AAD20A130A910A0DfeedType0FRSS0GfeedName0FbusinessNews/story01.htm

Marcelo T. Teixeira

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