terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2007


O INI está apoiando uma pesquisa sobre o COMPORTAMENTO DO INVESTIDOR.

O objetivo é traçar padrões psicológicos do investidor brasileiro, como ele se comporta e como toma decisão. Nossa participação, enquanto comunidade de investidores, é muito importante.

Ressaltamos que o INI poderá, por conta do apoio oferecido, disponibilizar os resultados da pesquisa à sua comunidade e ao público de interesse.

Para participar é simples, basta acessar o site www.pesquisainvestidor.net e iniciar o processo. NÃO É NECESSÁRIO SE IDENTIFICAR! Sua opinião é MUITO IMPORTANTE. O prazo para respostas expira em 25 de abril.

Participe já!

Papel em Análise: RENT3

Hoje (10) a RENT3 deu sinal de compra no TRIX e no STO.
Veja que, no STO, ela está um pouco acima da linha da zona de sobrevendidos.
No TRIX, há sinal e indicação de compra, mas considerando que o ativo está andando de lado, merece um pouco de atenção.
Este ativo tem uma forte linha de tendência de alta primária.
Note que o ativo está dentro de um triângulo simétrico que normalmente dá indicação de continuidade da tendência. Vamos aguardar os próximos dias para ver se realmente se confirma a alta. Mas lembrando que as bolsas estão precisamos muito de uma correção, talvez seja adiada esta possível alta.
O VOLUME está em queda e que, se realmente se confirmar a alta, ele irá disparar para cima, dando apoio ao movimento de ruptura da linha superior do triângulo.
Vamos assistir....

Ouça quem está aprendendo...

Ontem (09) tivemos nosso 3o CHAT Foco no Mercado. Os participantes estão aprendendo muito e trazendo resultados práticos a cada semana que sucede ao encontro. Seja esperto, tenha um hábito vencedor, venha particpar conosco.
Contamos com vocês lá na próxima 2a (16)...

Carteiras: Links Interessantes

Small Caps: Senso publica carteira sugerida com quatro alterações para abril

Ações: Senso faz seleção de papéis que se beneficiam com a alta do dólar

Notícias: Links Interessantes

Abaixo segue bateria de links MUITO interessantes para nós investidores. Prestem atenção que até o CITIGROUP está alertando para uma correção dentro em breve...

Emergentes: maior volatilidade exige seleção criteriosa, lembra banco

À espera de resultados, Dow Jones completa oito sessões consecutivas de alta

Entrevista: "O foco agora é o álcool e não o açúcar", diz diretor da São Martinho

FMI alerta para possibilidade de reversão dos fluxos de capitais à América Latina

Tesouro Direto: fique por dentro dos limites e horários de negociação

Após alta recente, Citigroup alerta para possível correção no mercado de ações

Hábito Vencedor # 17

O Mestre em Investimentos: Quase nunca fala sobre o que está fazendo. Não está interessado nem preocupado com o que os outros pensam sobre suas decisões de investimento.
O Investidor Malsucedido: Está sempre falando sobre seus investimentos atuais, "testando" suas decisões em relação à opinião dos outros, em vez de se basear na realidade.
obs: faltam apenas mais 6 Hábitos Vencedores para que possamos começar nova trilha de dicas.

Análise para 11-abr-07: BOVESPA, DOW JONES e NASDAQ

Hoje (10) as bolsas se comportaram muito similarmente. As americanas abriram em alta, tiveram uma queda, andaram de lado e fecharam em alta. Já a BOVESPA abriu em alta, praticamente andou de lado o dia todo e fechou com pequena alta de 0,68%.
No STO todas as bolsas deram sinal de venda e todas estão na região de sobrecompradas.
No TRIX a BOVESPA está preprando para cruzar sua linha de sinal. Já as americanas já estão cruzando suas respectivas linhas de sinal, nos fornecendo aviso de venda.
Agora sim o VOLUME está sendo acompanhado pelos indicadores.
Note também que as MM estão começando a convergir e a MM de menor período está preparando uma virada. Como as bolsas estão resistindo em nos presentear com uma alta significativa, pode ser que veremos uma queda, talvez uma correção. Afinal de contas, como todos dizem, 2007 será o ano das bolsas.... cuidado com isso!
No semanal temos a DOW JONES e a NASDAQ continuam com VOLUME baixo. No TRIX à sinais de compra e no STO há continuidade positiva, porém, saindo da zona neutra.
Os preços projetados para as Resistências (esq) e Suportes (dir) para 4a (11) para as três bolsas podem ser vistos no link Projeção de Preços Diário.

Investing Basics - Principles of Investing

1. Start Investing
Now We say this not just to discourage procrastination, but because an early start canmake all the difference. In general, every six years you wait doubles therequired monthly savings to reach the same level of retirement income. Another motivational statistic: If you contributed some amount each month for thenext nine years, and then nothing afterwards, or if you contributed nothing for the firstnine years, then contributed the same amount each month for the next 41 years, you wouldhave about the same amount. Compounding is a beautiful thing.
2. Know Thyself
The right course of action depends on your current situation, your future goals,and your personality. If you don't take a close look at these, and make them explicit,you might be headed in the wrong direction.
  • Current Situation: How healthy are you, financially? What's your net worth right now?What's your monthly income? What are your expenses (and where could they be reduced)?How much debt are you carrying? At what rate of interest? How much are you saving?How are you investing it? What are your returns? What are your expenses?
  • Goals: What are your financial goals? How much will you need to achieve them?Are you on the right track?
  • Risk Tolerance: How much risk are you willing and able to accept inpursuit of your objectives? The appropriate level of risk is determined by yourpersonality, age, job security, health, net worth, amount of cash you have to coveremergencies, and the length of your investing horizon.
3. Get Your Financial House In Order
Even though investing may be more fun than personal finance,it makes more sense to get started on them in the reverse order.If you don't know where the money goes each month, you shouldn't be thinking aboutinvesting yet. Tracking your spending habits is the first step toward improving them.
If you're carrying debt at a high rate of interest (especially credit card debt),you should unburden yourself before you begin investing. If you don't know how muchyou save each month and how much you'll need to save to reach your goals, there'sno way to know what investments are right for you.
If you've transitioned from a debt situation to apaycheck-to-paycheck situation to a saving some money every month situation,you're ready to begin investing what you save. You should start by amassing enough tocover three to six months of expenses, and keep this money in a very safe investmentlike a money market account, so you're prepared in the event of an emergency. Once you've saved up this emergency reserve, you can progress to higher risk(and higher return) investments: bonds for money that you expect to need in the nextfew years, and stocks or stock mutual funds for the rest. Use dollar cost averaging,by investing about the same amount each month. This is always a good idea,but even more so with the dramatic fluctuations in the market in the past 10 years.Dollar cost averaging will make it easier to stomach the inevitable dips.
And remember, never invest in anything you don't understand.
4. Develop A Long Term Plan
Now that you know your current situation, goals, and personality,you should have a pretty good idea of what your long term plan should be. It shoulddetail where the money will go: cars, houses, college, retirement. It shouldalso detail where the money will come from. Hopefully the numbers will be about the same.
Don't try to time the market. Get in and stay in. We don't know what directionthe next 10% move will be, but we do know what direction the next100% move will be.
Review your plan periodically, and whenever your needs or circumstanceschange. If you are not confident that your plan makes sense, talk to an investmentadvisor or someone you trust.
5. Buy Stocks

Now that you've got a long term view, you can more safely invest in 'riskier' investments, which the market rewards (in general). This requires patience and discipline, but it increases returns. This approach reduces the entire universe of investment vehicles to two choices: stocks and stock mutual funds. In the long run, they're the winners: In this century, stocks beat bonds 8 out of 9 decades, and they're well in the lead again. According to Ibbotson's Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation 1995 Yearbook, here are the average annual returns from 1926 to 1994 (before inflation):

  • Stocks: 10.2% (and small company stocks were 12.1%)
  • Intermediate term treasury bonds: 5.1%
  • 30-day T-bills: 3.7%

But is it really worth the additional risk just for a few percentage points?The answer is yes. 10% a year for 20 years is 570%, but 7% a year for 20 yearsis only 280%. Compounding is God's gift to long term planners.

If you buy outstanding companies, and hold them through the market's gyrations,you will be rewarded. If you aren't good at selecting stocks, select some mutual funds.If you aren't good at selecting mutual funds, go with an index fund(like the Vanguard S&P 500).

6. Investigate Before You Invest

Always do your homework. The more you know, the better off you are. This requires that you keep learning, and pay attention to events that might affect you. Understand personal finance matters that could affect you (for example, proposed tax changes). Understand how each of your investments fits in with the rest of your portfolio andwith your overall strategy. Understand the risks associated with each investment. Gather unbiased, objective information. Get a second opinion, a third opinion, etc. Be cautious when evaluating the advice of anyone with a vested interest.

If you're going to invest in stocks, learn as much as you can about the companiesyou're considering. Understand before you invest. Research, research, research.Read books. Consider joining an invesment club or an organization like the AmericanAssociation of Individual Investors . Experiment with variousstrategies before you put your own money on the line. Examine historical data orparticipate in a stock market simulation. Try a momentum portfolio, a technicalanalysis portfolio, a bottom fisher portfolio, a dividend portfolio,a price/earnings growth portfolio, an intuition portfolio, a megatrends portfolio,and any others you think of. In the process you'll find out which ones work best for you.Learn from your own mistakes, and learn from the mistakes of others.

If you don't have time for all this work, consider mutual funds, especially index funds.

7. Develop The Right Attitude

The following personality traits will help you achieve financial success:

  • Discipline: Develop a plan, and stick with it. As you continue to learn,you'll become more confident that you're on the right track. Alter your assetallocation based on changes in your personal situation, not because of some shortterm market fluctuation.
  • Confidence: Let your intelligence, not your emotions, make your decisions for you.Understand that you will make mistakes and take losses; even the best investors do.Re-evaluate your strategy from time to time, but don't second-guess it.
  • Patience: Don't let your emotions be ruled by today's performance.In most cases, you shouldn't even be watching the day-to-day performance, unless you like to.Also, don't ever feel like it's now or never; don't be pressured into an investment you don'tyet understand or feel comfortable with.

The following personality traits will hurt your chances of financial success:

  • Fear. If you are unwilling to take any risk, you will be stuck with investmentsthat barely beat inflation.
  • Greed. As an investment class, 'get rich quick' schemes have the worst returns.If your expectations are unrealistically high, you'll go for the big scores, which usuallydon't work.

It is generally a good idea to avoid making financial decisions based on emotional factors.

8. Get Help If You Need It

The do-it-yourself approach isn't for everyone. If you try it and it's not working, or you're afraid to try it at all, or you just don't have the time or desire, there's nothing wrong with seeking professional assistance.

If you want others to handle your financial affairs for you, you will nevertheless want to remain involved to some degree, to make sure your money is being spent wisely.

Carteiras: Links Interessantes

Carteira recomendada: Senso divulga portfolio para abril com duas alterações

Ações: confira a carteira recomendada da SLW Corretora para esta semana

Coinvalores recomenda cinco operações com ações para esta semana

Ágora sugere papéis que podem ser beneficiados pelo setor automobilístico

Notícias: Links Interessantes

Merrill Lynch diz o que pode ajudar ou atrapalhar a Bolsa brasileira

Caderneta de poupança registra captação líquida de R$ 1,546 bilhão em março

Apetite do investidor por novas ofertas de ações ainda é grande, diz Merrill Lynch

Ofertas públicas: analise o prospecto para decidir se vale a pena participar

Bolsa: cenário se mostra favorável neste início de semana, avaliam analistas