terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

Apesar das críticas, China está amarrada ao mercado de Treasuries

Apesar das críticas, China está amarrada ao mercado de Treasuries

NOVA YORK – Apesar das críticas com relação ao gerenciamento da dívida, a China, maior credora estrangeira dos EUA, deverá continuar a comprar os Treasuries, principalmente porque as alternativas para investir suas imensas reservas internacionais são limitadas. No entanto, a furiosa resposta de Pequim às notícias de que a Standard & Poor's havia rebaixado o rating de crédito dos EUA de AAA para AA+ está sendo vista como um poderoso sinal de alerta pelos políticos ame...

Min Zeng

Original Page: http://www.valoronline.com.br/online/geral/93/468995/apesar-das-criticas-china-esta-amarrada-ao-mercado-de-treasuries

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Bloomberg: Global Recession?!?

No Bailouts Coming: U.S. Needs to ‘Take Our Medicine,’ Says Harrison

No Bailouts Coming: U.S. Needs to 'Take Our Medicine,' Says Harrison

During the 2008-09 financial crisis, central banks and sovereign nations came together to bail out the private sector and restore confidence to the markets. While that did little for Main Street, the moves did save the global banking and financial system … for a time.

Now that the sovereign debt crisis is accelerating and countries like [...]

Original Page: http://investmentwatchblog.com/no-bailouts-coming-u-s-needs-to-take-our-medicine-says-harrison/

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As Asia Tumbles Again, Experts Warn of More Pain

As Asia Tumbles Again, Experts Warn of More Pain

Asian stocks dropped on Tuesday, with the Kospi amongst the worst performers, down 9 percent at one point in the mid-morning session. A number of experts told CNBC the selling was likely to continue even as some pointed to the first silver linings.

Getty Images

The steep drops in Asia, followed Monday's U.S. [...]

Original Page: http://investmentwatchblog.com/as-asia-tumbles-again-experts-warn-of-more-pain/

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Why This Crisis Differs From the 2008 Version [It's Not Liquidity But Growth]

Why This Crisis Differs From the 2008 Version [It's Not Liquidity But Growth]

AUGUST 9, 2011 Why This Crisis Differs From the 2008 Version


It is a parallel that is seducing Wall Street bankers and investors: 2011 as a repeat of 2008, the history of financial turmoil playing in one endless loop.

As a big fund manager muttered darkly this past weekend while heading into [...]

Original Page: http://investmentwatchblog.com/why-this-crisis-differs-from-the-2008-version-its-not-liquidity-but-growth/

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Stock index futures signal rebound

Stock index futures signal rebound

PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. stock index futures pointed to a rebound on Tuesday following the previous session's plunge, mirroring a tentative rally in Europe where investors started to pick up recently-hammered shares.

Original Page: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/businessNews/~3/eLBT7w3nVwQ/us-markets-stocks-idUSTRE7771O020110809

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Armínio Fraga e a Bolsa

Armínio Fraga e a Bolsa

A Bovespa sangra faz tempo. Desde o último pico, em novembro, o Ibovespa caiu cerca de 33%. Das Bolsas de ações mais importantes do mundo, é a campeã do tombo. Assinantes da Folha e do UOL podem acessar a íntegra da coluna aqui Leia mais (09/08/2011 - 03h30)

Original Page: http://redir.folha.com.br/redir/online/mercado/rss091/*http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/viniciustorres/956577-arminio-fraga-e-a-bolsa.shtml

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IBOV - Ir as compras

IBOV - Ir as compras

Bom dia pessoal,

Não esperava que chegasse tão rápido aos 48K, mas queda é assim mesmo, rápida e violenta.

Acredito que seja baixa a possibilidade de fazer um fundo duplo, então decidi iniciar compras paulatinas a partir do patamar atual.

A idéia é iniciar pequeno, para "tatear" o mercado, aumentando as posições conforme a reversão vá se confirmando.

De cara, dois ativos chamam minha atenção pela violência de suas quedas, Petro e Vale, mas não exclusivamente.



Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/drfox-investor-blog/~3/dpGzhBlKKHE/ibov-ir-as-compras.html

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